Press releases
Students tried out working as a train dispatcher
Správa železniční dopravní cesty (the Czech Railway Infrastructure Administration - SŽDC) has been offering since last year already the possibility to try out some professions from the railway. Thanks to the project “Become a…. for one day”, students have the possibility to visit selected workplaces of the railway infrastructure manager and discover what work on a given position is like.
42 line sections were equipped with diagnostics of running railway vehicles
Prague, 10 November 2016 – Správa železniční dopravní cesty (the Czech Railway Infrastructure Administration) introduced a system of diagnostics of railway vehicles running on many line sections. The project included the installation of 42 new indicators including evaluation workplaces’ and a control system with a task to evaluate measured values from a long-term point of view. The main objective of the project was especially increasing operation safety and reliability on the railway network.
New traction substation at Oldřichov u Duchcova will ensure safer and more reliable railway operation
Oldřichov, 8 November 2016 – Today, Správa železniční dopravní cesty (the Czech Railway Infrastructure Administration) festively completed reconstruction of the traction substation Oldřichov. The new converter station is crucial for ensuring safety and reliable operation on respective railway line sections. The necessity of this construction’s implementation was based especially on increasing demand for railway lines’ power feeding.
Traveling by Train on the route Klatovy – Železná Ruda Is Due to Reconstruction Faster and Safer
Železná Ruda, 3 November 2016 - Správa železniční dopravní cesty has reconstructed almost a fifty-kilometre-long railway section between Klatovy and Železná Ruda. Festive completion of the extensive refurbishment took place in the premises of railway station Železná Ruda-Alžbětín which is situated directly on the Czech-German border. The main benefit of the project is particularly increasing the line´s speed and provision of more comfort and safety of passengers.
SŽDC Begins with Reparation of the First Stations
Správa železniční dopravní cesty as the new owner of the station buildings declared after their transfer from ČD that it wanted to begin immediately with first repair works. When creating a list of buildings that need intervention most necessarily, SŽDC based it on their actual technical condition.
Another route section in the Valašsko region has undergone renovation
Hranice na Moravě, 25 October 2016 – Správa železniční dopravní cesty (the Czech Railway Infrastructure Administration) has improved parameters of the railway track from Hranice na Moravě to Střelná in the Teplice nad Bečvou (excl.) – Hustopeče nad Bečvou (excl.) section. The main objective of the project was the restoration of its technical condition corresponding with European parameters and standards.
The Project RIA and Czech Railway Transport for Regions is heading to Slovakia today
The successful project Railway Transport for Regions exceeds our borders, heading to Slovakia. Representatives of ministries of transport, management of the Railway Infrastructure Administration and the Czech Railways, together with partners from the Slovak Railways (ZSR) and the Railway Company of Slovakia (ZSSK) shall meet at the round table in Bratislava today. The main topics of the meeting are the current and future operation of cross-border lines, including planned investments, modernisation of railways and, last but not least, coordination of regional and long-distance transport.
Two new supply substations in Chomutov and Most will ensure safer and more reliable railway operation
Chomutov, 20 October 2016 – Správa železniční dopravní cesty (the Railway Infrastructure Administration) today officially completed the construction of supply substations (SST) Chomutov and Most. The new substations are crucial to ensure safety and reliable operation on appropriate sections. The necessity of completion of these structures resulted mainly from the growth in demand for energy supply of railway lines.
The railway section Beroun – Plzeň – Cheb is covered by the GSM-R signal
Plzeň, 18 October, 2016 – Správa železniční dopravní cesty (the Czech Railway Infrastructure Administration) has introduced digital radio system GSM-R along approximately 185 km long railway section Beroun – Cheb. The ceremonial completion of the construction took place today at the railway station Pilsen Main Station.
RIA takes over management of the Prague Main Railway Station
Management of the largest station in the country is taken over by the Railway Infrastructure Administration. At the stroke of midnight from Sunday to Monday the contract with Grandi Stazioni expired. This happened only because of the delay of Grandi Stazioni to execute and complete the reconstruction, which was supposed to be completed already in 2013. The explicit goal for coming days is that the change of the station management in no way affects the operation of the station and passengers and lessees. All steps of the new administrator will lead to maintaining continuous operation.