Press releases

Exceptional passenger transport timetable change as of 5 September
Prague, 26 August 2016 – Správa železniční dopravní cesty (the Czech Railway Infrastructure administration) prepared as of Monday 5 September an exceptional change of the railway passenger transport timetable 2016. Only minimal changes in train running occur as of this day.
Hundreds of Prague inhabitants take a daily risk while crossing railway tracks
Prague, 11 August 2016 – Today, the two day preventive safety event ”Taking risks? You will pay!“ organised by Správa železniční dopravní cesty (the Czech Railway Infrastructure Administration) and the Czech Police ended. This project, gradually continuing throughout all regions of the Czech Republic, concentrated this time on the capital of Prague with the objective of drawing passengers’ attention to the fact that they commit a transgression by crossing railway tracks.
Modernisation of the triple-track section Praha-Běchovice - Úvaly is completed
Úvaly, 5 August 2016 – Správa železniční dopravní cesty (the Czech Railway Infrastructure Administration) completed one of its most important constructions on the territory of the capital of Prague and the Central Bohemia Region – modernisation of the railway line section Praha-Běchovice - Úvaly. The ambitious construction which was launched after many years of preparation on 17 October 2013 was successfully put into testing operation in May 2016.
Revitalisation of the line Brno – Jihlava begins. Buses will be operating part of the line till December.
Třebíč, 29 July 2016 – Správa železniční dopravní cesty (the Czech Railway Infrastructure Administration) started revitalising a substantial part of the railway line No 240. Construction works will take place in the 45.6 km long line section Zastávka u Brna – Krahulov. In this connection, a continuous line closure started today between railway stations Náměšť nad Oslavou and Okříšky for a period up to 8 December 2016.
Increasing safety at railway crossings
Prague, 21 July 2016 – Railway operation safety and therefore increasing safety at railway crossings as well is one of the main priorities of Správa železniční dopravní cesty (the Czech Railway Infrastructure Administration). Implacable statistics of accidents and tragic consequences of road cars’ collisions with trains at railway crossings require even more technical safeguarding such as detectors of obstacles, sequential tipping of barriers or intelligent camera systems. All safety measures adopted by the railway notwithstanding, correct behaviour of drivers and pedestrians, observance of given rules as well as prevention remains the key factor.  
The railway approaches persons with sight handicaps
Prague, 20 July 2016 – Both Správa železniční dopravní cesty (the Czech Railway Infrastructure Administration) and České dráhy (Czech Railways) participate in a long term on eliminating barriers and improving conditions for passengers with a physical handicap in railway transport. For passengers with a sight handicap, they gradually install leading or acoustic components and voice information systems at railway stations and in trains. Správa železniční dopravní cesty continues the work of České dráhy while eliminating barriers at passenger buildings and as their new owner it currently prepares setting unified and comprehensible rules for handicapped passengers in a project designated as Orientation and information system at railway stations and stops. The project involves also the Unified organisation for sightless and weak-eyed persons in the Czech Republic (SONS) and will concern both passenger buildings and underpasses, platforms and other publicly accessible premises of railway stations.
SŽDC purchased energy for the whole transport branch on the stock exchange, electrical power and gas costs will decrease by 30 million Czech crowns
This year, the Ministry of Transport branch purchased again energy effectively on the stock exchange. The Ministry centralised its consumption with consumption of its organisations and purchased almost 300 thousand megawatt hours (MWh) of electrical power and more than 175 thousand MWh of natural gas for the next year by the intermediary of Správa železniční dopravní cesty (the Czech Railway Infrastructure Administration - SŽDC). The purchase was carried out in July on the Czech Moravian Commodity Exchange Kladno and allowed decreasing costs of the whole branch by 30 million Czech crowns from year to year.
Travelling from Kolín to Havlíčkův Brod will be faster and safer
Vlkaneč (Kutná Hora District), 1 July 2016 – Správa železniční dopravní cesty (the Railway Infrastructure Administration) improved parameters of the railway line Kolín – Havlíčkův Brod in the section between stations Golčův Jeníkov – Vlkaneč. The main objective of this project is achieving a technical state for this line corresponding to EU parameters and standards.
Travelling is more comfortable on the “Sázava Pacific Train”
Prague, 30 June 2016 – Správa železniční dopravní cesty (the Railway Infrastructure Administration) improved parameters of the so-called Sázava Pacific Train, i.e. the line Praha – Vrané nad Vltavou – Čerčany with a branch to Dobříš. The main objective of this project was achieving a technical state for this line corresponding to EU parameters and standards.
Passengers travelling from Brno to Uherské Hradiště will enjoy safer, faster, and more convenient journeys
Slavkov u Brna, 29 June 2016 – Správa železniční dopravní cesty (the Railway Infrastructure Administration) has improved parameters of three sections of the line Brno – Uherské Hradiště, which is a part of “Vlárská line”. The main objective of these projects was to increase the line’s technical state to a level corresponding to European parameters and standards.