Press releases
Line section Benešov u Prahy – Votice covered by GSM-R signal
Benešov, 12 May 2016 – Správa železniční dopravní cesty (the Railway Infrastructure Administration) introduced a digital radio system GSM-R along the line section Benešov u Prahy – Votice approximately 19 kilometres long. The festive completion of the construction took place today at Benešov u Prahy railway station.
Travelling by train between Most and Chomutov is faster and safer
Most, 10 May 2016 – Správa železniční dopravní cesty (the Railway Infrastructure Administration - SŽDC) improved parameters of the railway line leading from Ústí nad Labem to Klášterec nad Ohří in the section between Most and Chomutov. The main objective of this project was to achieve a technical state for this line section corresponding to EU parameters and standards.
Modernisation of Horusice – Veselí nad Lužnicí line section complete
Veselí nad Lužnicí, 5 May 2016 – Today, Správa železniční dopravní cesty (the Railway Infrastructure Administration) festively completed modernisation of the line Horusice - Veselí nad Lužnicí which is part of Czech Rail Transit Corridor IV. Works included especially building a second track of a section between stations approximately five kilometres long which allowed an increase of transport capacity; line speed could be increased as well.
Riding is faster and more comfortable on railway lines in Brno and its neighbourhood
Brno, 28 April 2016 – Správa železniční dopravní cesty (the Railway Infrastructure Administration – SZDC) festively completed reconstruction of tracks in the line sections Brno-Maloměřice – Brno-Královo Pole and Brno-Královo Pole – Kuřim. The main asset of both constructions is an increase of line speed and safety as well as traveling comfort.
Prevention train starting in north Moravia
Ostrava, Opava, 26 April 2016 – The railway is a synonym of safe traveling, provided basic rules of safety behaviour are met. Inexorable statistics of accidents constitute a strong impulse for České dráhy (Czech Railways - ČD) to carry on its activities this year as well in the field of prevention on the railway and to increase respect for rules clearly given. Today, the national passenger carrier together with its partners Správa železniční dopravní cesty (the Railway infrastructure Administration), the Czech Police and ČD Cargo starts the fourteenth year of the ČD’s successful project ”Prevention Train for a safe railway“, this time in north Moravia. On Tuesday and Wednesday 26 and 27 April at Ostrava-Svinov railway station and on Thursday and Friday at Opava východ railway station, the train will offer an unconventional projection of the film “You won’t make it!”, a discussion with investigators or first aid practice.
Operation on the line Újezdec u Luhačovic – Vlárský průsmyk is safer and more economical
Přerov, 22 April 2016 – Správa železniční dopravní cesty (The Railway Infrastructure Administration – SZDC) festively completed safety equipment modernisation on the line Újezdec u Luhačovic – Vlárský průsmyk. The project had as objective to build a complete remotely controlled system of dispatching and control technology in this section.
A part of the trackage at Česká Třebová Station was reconstructed
Česká Třebová, 13 April 2016 – The Railway Infrastructure Administration reconstructed the railway superstructure and adjoining switches on the so-called Fourth set of sorting sidings at Česká Třebová freight railway station. The project aided in fulfilling the global objective of Operational Programme Transport Priority Axis 1 which is an improvement of railway transport on the Trans-European Transport Network TEN-T.
Special Vehicles of SŽDC Acquired Radio Stations for Communication in GSM-R Digital System
Prague, 12 April 2016 – Správa železniční dopravní cesty (SŽDC) equipped its special tractive vehicles with radio stations allowing communication in the GSM-R digital radio system which is going to be introduced on all railway lines in the Czech Republic being part of the Trans-European Transport Network TEN-T. In total, 277 vehicles of the railway infrastructure manager were adapted.
Taking risks? You will pay! Sometimes even with your life…
Liberec, 12 April 2016 – Today, the preventive safety event ”Taking risks? You will pay!“ took place, organised by Správa železniční dopravní cesty (the Czech Railway Infrastructure Administration) and the Czech Police. Through this pilot event which took place on the territory of the Liberec Region, both institutions want to warn of risky behaviour of drivers and pedestrians while moving on the railway and at railway crossings.
A new Traffic Control Centre started operation in Prague
Prague, 7 April 2016 – The Railway Infrastructure administration festively completed the construction of technological premises for a new Traffic Control Centre in Prague. This project creates prerequisites for gradually introducing centralised remote traffic control within the whole Czech railway network.