Builders at Slovany report finished, new stop is already serving passengers

The total reconstruction was carried out on a 3.85-kilometre-long section of the line. At its northern end, the construction was a continuation of the already completed modernisation of the Pilsen Main Station. In addition to the double-track interstation section, the Plzeň-Koterov station was also rebuilt, where, among other things, the existing platforms were removed.
“The station in Koterov was less accessible for passengers. Therefore, we built a completely new stop at Slovany as a replacement, which improved the serviceability of the surrounding area and at the same time offered a more convenient transfer to public transport. Access to the trains is via a new footbridge, with inclined walkways and a lift, passengers can reach the platform without barriers,” said Jiří Svoboda, Director General of Správa železnic.
The Road and Motorway Directorate also joined the investment of Správa železnic. This allowed the beginning of a tunnel under the line for the future I/20 road to be built in advance so that train traffic would not have to be restricted again during its construction. The City of Pilsen then co-financed the construction of a footbridge for pedestrians and cyclists over the railway track facility in Koterov.
The contractors were companies Metrostav and Chládek & Tintěra. The total value of the works reached CZK 2.2 billion, of which the Road and Motorway Directorate spent CZK 869 million and the Statutory City of Pilsen CZK 50.6 million.
“Thanks to the billion investment from European funds, the comfort of travelling will be significantly improved for the citizens of the Pilsen region,” said Václav Lebeda, spokesman for the Representation of the European Commission in the Czech Republic.
The implementation of the project Junction Plzeň, 5th construction – Lobzy – Koterov was co-funded by the European Union from the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF). National funding was provided by Státní fond dopravní infrastruktury (State Fund for Transport Infrastructure).Soubory ke stažení
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