Listed building in Jaroměř will be occupied by builders

Správa železnic selected the contractor for the reconstruction of the historical building in Jaroměř. It became the company Chládek a Tintěra, Pardubice, which submitted the most advantageous offer in the amount of CZK 143,896,530. The construction includes the renovation of the façade and roof of the building, at the same time the internal layout will be modified. Works will start this spring and will take a total of 18 months.

Reconstruction of the tracks and platforms took place at the station in 2018 and 2019, and the connecting transfer terminal has also been completed. Now comes the relatively large 19th century station building. It is a cultural monument together with the warehouse, post office, water tower, heating tower, turntable and track. 

The builders will renovate the façade and roof, as well as replace the windows and doors. Thanks to the modification of the internal layout, the commercial and office space will be expanded. New toilets will also be built and the cafeteria area of the former restaurant will be reopened.

The estimated value of the construction works was CZK 179,712,552. The winner of the tender submitted a bid that was more than 35 million lower.

Project Reconstruction of the station building at the railway station Jaroměř is proposed for co-financing from the EU Emission Trading System through the Modernisation Fund. The total amount of eligible costs of the project is CZK 25,083,619, the amount of the subsidy can be up to CZK 10,951,750. National financing is provided by Státní fond dopravní infrastruktury (State Fund for Transport Infrastructure).

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