Modern platforms and faster trains under Ore Mountains
Approximately 5 kilometres of the double-track line in the section from Chabařovice to Teplice were reconstructed, including Bohosudov station. It has ceased to serve passengers; its station building is now used as a technological facility. On the other hand, the builders have built a new stop Krupka-Bohosudov. Like nearby Proboštov, it offers elevated platforms at the floor level of modern trains.
Signalling and telecommunication equipment, overhead contact lines, outdoor lighting and electric switch heating were also renewed. Thanks to the reconstruction, the line speed increased up to 135 km/h, thus shortening train travel times. A safety benefit is the replacement of the level crossing in Emílie Dvořákové Street in Teplice with a road underpass.
The total investment costs of the project amounted to CZK 1,946,536,109. The contractors were the companies Chládek & Tintěra, AŽD Praha and Elektrizace železnic Praha.
Project Reconstruction of the railway station Bohosudov was co-financed by the European Union under the Operational Programme Transport 2014–2020. The EU contribution can reach up to CZK 1,246,294,156. National funding was provided by Státní fond dopravní infrastruktury (State Fund for Transport Infrastructure ).Soubory ke stažení
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