Modernisation of another part of railway link between Pardubice and Hradec Králové is completed

Pardubice and Hradec Králové, two regional cities with approximately one hundred thousand inhabitants, are subject to long term heavy traffic loads. The reconstruction of the existing line and the construction of the second track in the section to Stéblová will significantly facilitate travelling and make the ecological railway more attractive. “The main benefit of the completed section is to increase the capacity of the line, which will lead to shorter journey times and minimisation of the impact of emergencies on railway traffic,” explains Minister of Transport Martin Kupka.
Already in May, as the modernisation of the Pardubice junction progresses, the double-track operation will also start between the main railway station and Rosice nad Labem. The reconstruction of the entire section will enable modern trains to run at speeds of up to 160 km/h after the introduction of ETCS. “We are handling the installation of ETCS in a separate action. We expect to complete the construction and launch the entire system in the first half of next year. The deployment of ETCS will ensure the highest level of safety of the railway operation and bring another significant benefit, namely an increase in line speed. We will also use this line as a diversionary line in case of emergencies on the main corridor between Prague and Česká Třebová,” explains Jiří Svoboda, Director General of Správa železnic.
An important part of the investment was the construction of a double-track bridge over the Elbe River with a total weight of 1,350 tonnes, which was carried out in three phases. Its abutments and piers are made of reinforced concrete and the length of the bridging exceeds 140 metres. The new bridge increases the capacity of the line, and its design ensures better navigability of the river.
The work was carried out by the companies Skanska and Elektrizace železnic Praha. The total investment costs of the construction amount to CZK 3,262,621,258.
The project implementation is co-financed by the European Union from the Cohesion Fund within the Programme Transport 2021–2027. National funding is provided by Státní fond dopravní infrastruktury (State Fund for Transport Infrastructure).
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