Participation of project ‘Nový Hlavák’ is finished. Results of participation were handed over for architectural study completion

The project to improve the area of the main railway station in Prague ‘Nový Hlavák’ (New main station) closed the second phase of participation. It focused on collecting public opinions on the winning design and consisted of several activities. Data collection took place from January to the end of June 2024. The results show that people perceive the need for reconstruction and call for a modern and functional station. The winning proposal is appreciated for the design of the park and its connection to the concourse and the Fanta building, as well as for the transport solutions in the form of a new tram line or the extension of short-term parking. Most comments and questions have been about the design of the check-in hall roof. The document received has been forwarded to the authors of the winning design from the studio Henning Larsen Architects and will be used to refine the architectural study.

Participation with the public, together with other activities, such as public lectures, meetings with residents from the surrounding area and various types of surveys, brought a number of suggestions that will be used to complete the architectural study.

I am glad that we are one step further in the Nový Hlavák project. During the spring and summer, we presented the winning design to the people, among other things, by organising lectures directly at Správa železnic Information Centre in the premises of Prague's main railway station. We want to change the station primarily because it will not be sufficient for the increase in the number of passengers. We are expecting high-speed line projects, the development of suburban transport in connection with the Prague railway junction or the completion of the metro D. Interviews and surveys confirmed that people wanted to change the main station but had objections to some parts of the proposal. These should now be addressed in an architectural study being prepared by Henning Larsen Architects,“ explains Petr Hofhanzl, Director of  Construction Management West, Správa železnic.

The public has been continuously informed about the upcoming changes since 2014 in connection with the discussion of the zoning plan change for the construction of the tram line. Greater public engagement in discussions about the development of the entire main station area continued from autumn 2019 through to the announcement of the competitive dialogue in summer 2022, and continued in spring 2024 as public feedback on the form of the winning design was sought.

The public has made it clear that Vrchlického sady Park is a place where they do not feel comfortable or safe. In an online poll, 67 % of respondents said that the park design from the winning proposal would lead to greater clarity and a feeling of safety. The design is designed so that dark places and corners will not be formed, but on the contrary, there will be created areas that will allow holding of social events such as markets, playgrounds for children and in winter even an ice rink. The park will also be naturally more connected to the concourse and the city centre,“ Petr Hlaváček, City of Prague Deputy Mayor for Territorial Development, describes the solution of the surroundings, adding that the contracting authorities of the competitive dialogue continue to negotiate with representatives of the heritage department to ensure that the design relates to the historical context and cultural heritage of the location.

Part of the comprehensive concept of the project is also a new tram line, which will lead from the National Museum through Politických vězňů Street to Washington Street and further to the check-in hall and then through Opletalova Street to Bolzanova Street.  This route is already envisaged in the Prague Master Plan. “As expected, the new tram line is welcomed by the public. In the winning design it is sensitively integrated into the architectural design of the whole area. The easy connection to the future Metro D is also important,“ Jan Šurovský, Member of the Board of Directors of the Transport Company of the City of Prague, explains the traffic solution.

Selected results of the online survey from the period 10-28 January 2024 (1,612 respondents):

An online survey was conducted in January 2024 to introduce the winning design, collect feedback and look at individual elements of the design in more detail. It used multiple open-ended questions, but these are not mandatory, and respondents must have some motivation to complete them. Often, this motivation tends to be stronger in the case of a negative evaluation.

  • 67 % of respondents think that the park solution will lead to greater clarity and a sense of safety;
  • 39 % think that the whole area of the new check-in hall and its surroundings will be clearer and easier to orientate;
  • 32 % agree that the new design brings more comfort to passengers compared to today;
  • 51 % disagree with the way the roof of the check-in hall is designed.

Selected results of a public opinion survey (face-to-face interviews in and around the main station) from 5-26 June 2024 (1,027 respondents):

The survey in the main station area took place in June 2024 to present the winning design and collect feedback. The questions took a comprehensive view of the entire New Hlavák design. Passengers had the opportunity to perceive and respond to changes directly in the terrain based on the current status and visualisations of the new design.

  • 82 % rate the design of Vrchlického Sady as a significant (49 %) and partial (33 %) improvement;
  • 83 % respondents see the new proposal as an improvement in the impact on increasing space for waiting;
  • 72 % sees an improvement in clarity compared to the status quo;
  • 82 % sees an improvement in the connection between the park and the Fanta building;
  • 73 % think that the project will have a positive impact on the attractiveness of Prague.

On the website of the project, a summary report on public participation in various phases 2014–2024 is published, including the complete results of this year's participation.

The suggestions of the public, including the requirements of the evaluation committee, the contracting authorities or representatives of the heritage authorities, were forwarded to the authors of the winning design to complete the architectural study.

Another milestone will be the signing of the contract between the studio Henning Larsen Architects and the individual clients.

Up-to-date information about the project can be found on the website  

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