Trains in Vysočina will run on hundred and sixty
Work on the double-track line across Vysočina will follow the already completed reconstruction of the sections from Tišnov to Vlkov and from Křižanov to Žďár na Sázavou. “The importance of this line was clearly demonstrated during the modernisation of the section between Brno and Blansko, which was carried out during a complete interruption of operation. Long-distance interstate expresses and countless freight trains were running through Vysočina. After completion of all the works, not only the comfort of travelling will increase, but also the line speed, which will be appreciated by carriers who will be able to take full advantage of the parameters of their new vehicles,” says Jiří Svoboda, Director General of Správa železnic.
A significant transformation awaits the station Vlkov u Tišnova, where the platforms and pedestrian underpass will be completely removed. Trains will stop at the new Vlkov-Osová stop, which will shorten the walking distance for the inhabitants of Vlkov and nearby Osová. The reconstruction also includes the replacement of the existing station building with a new technological building.
Simultaneously with the modernisation of the station, eleven kilometres of the line to Křižanov will be reconstructed. The stops in Osová Bítýška and Ořechov will undergo a complete reconstruction and will gain barrier-free access. Simultaneously with the modernisation of the station, eleven kilometres of the line to Křižanov will be reconstructed. The stops in Osová Bítýška and Ořechov will undergo a complete reconstruction and will gain barrier-free access.
All railway stations in the section from Přibyslav to Pohled will also undergo reconstruction. In the former station, both platforms will be repaired and lifts to the pedestrian underpass will be built. In addition, one station track for long freight trains will be extended. The stop in Přibyslav will get a previously missing pedestrian underpass and the Stříbrné Hory stop will also be completely reconstructed. A new platform will be built at Pohled station, accessible via a pedestrian underpass with lifts.
The modernisation of Vlkov u Tišnova station and the connecting section to Křižanov is taking place during a complete interruption of train traffic, which will last until the beginning of November. Instead of passenger trains and fast trains, buses are running. Work between Přibyslav and Pohled will be carried out while maintaining single-track operation. The main train restriction will start in June this year, with the most intensive work lasting throughout next year and partly in 2026.
The contractors of the reconstruction of the station Vlkov u Tišnova are the companies Chládek & Tintěra and Elektrizace železnic Praha. The modernisation of the section to Křižanov is carried out by a consortium of companies Eurovia CS, Chládek a Tintěra Pardubice, GJW Praha and ELTRA. The work between Přibyslav and Pohled is provided by the company Chládek & Tintěra.
The total investment costs of the Reconstruction of the line section Přibyslav – Pohled amount to CZK 2,963,711,762 excluding VAT. The project is co-financed by the European Union from the Cohesion Fund under the Programme Transport 2021–2027. The total amount of eligible project costs is CZK 2,672,036,169. The EU support rate is 80.75 % of the eligible costs, i.e. the maximum subsidy amount is CZK 2,157,669,206.
The total investment costs of the Reconstruction of the line section Vlkov u Tišnova (excl.) – Křižanov (excl.) amount to CZK 2,310,924,735 excluding VAT. The project is co-financed by the European Union from the Cohesion Fund under the Programme Transport 2021–2027. The total amount of eligible project costs is CZK 2,073,199,285. The EU support rate is 80.75 % of the eligible costs, i.e. the maximum subsidy amount is CZK 1,674,108,422.64.
The total investment costs of the Reconstruction of the line section Přibyslav – Pohled amount to 1,607,006,719 excluding VAT. The project is co-financed by the European Union from the Cohesion Fund under the Programme Transport 2021–2027. The total amount of eligible project costs is CZK 1,138,004,670,83. The EU support rate is 80.75 % of the eligible costs, i.e. the maximum subsidy amount is CZK 2,157,669,206.
National funding for all three structures is provided by Státní fond dopravní infrastruktury (State Fund for Transport Infrastructure).Soubory ke stažení
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