Press releases
You also can influence appearance of high-speed line in Prague!
Správa železnic has launched the so-called ‘feeling map’, an on-line portal that gives the public the opportunity to get involved in the preparation of the high-speed line (HSL) project in Prague from the very beginning. In the feeling map, citizens mark places that are valuable to them or, on the contrary, trouble them and want to change them in the framework of the construction of the new line. Their suggestions will be taken up by experts who will incorporate them into the urban concept of the area through which the new line passes.
Czech trains circled globe more than four thousand times this year
The end of the year for many of us is associated with taking stock. This year was marked by big changes. On average, more than 1.1 million passengers passed through the stations every day and a total of 64 station buildings were undergoing renovation. Railwaymen repaired over 400 level crossings and about 50 more were removed to make traffic even safer.
Contracts signed, modernisation of Vlkov u Tišnova and section to Křižanov begins
After the railway station in Královo Pole the next phase of the reconstruction of the Havlíčkův Brod’s line begins. The next step is a comprehensive renovation of the Vlkov u Tišnova station followed by modifications on the subsequent line section towards Křižanov. Preparatory work in Vlkov will begin this year, the most intensive construction activity is planned for both sites from spring to autumn next year, with completion in December. The builders have offered lower amounts than the tenders anticipated.
New station building in Radotín begins to serve the public
The new glass building at the railway station Radotín was officially opened to the public today. The construction, with a total cost of CZK 53 million, has been underway since last August. Thanks to it, passengers have acquired modern facilities with a waiting room, ticket shop, lavatories and commercial premises. Barrier-free access is a matter of course. Similar to the station in Vysočany, the roof of the building is covered with vegetation strips.
Three tracks from Vysočany are now in operation, trains will start stopping also at Rajská zahrada
Another 15 kilometres of the railway network in the metropolis and Central Bohemia have acquired modern parameters. As part of the construction between Praha-Vysočany and Mstětice, Správa železnic built not only a high-capacity three-track section, but also a new railway stop at the metro station Rajská zahrada. The shape of the station in Vysočany has undergone a fundamental change. The ceremonial completion of the modernisation, which began in spring 2020, took place here just today. The total cost of the construction amounted to CZK 5.4 billion, a significant part of which was co-funded from European funds.
Královo Pole station awaits new era in travel, its reconstruction is about to begin
The second busiest railway station in Brno is about to change its face. In about two years it will offer more comfortable travelling thanks to a modern station building, which will also serve as a background for the adjacent passenger terminal. The track facility will also be rebuilt and all platforms will be barrier-free. The existing underpass will be expanded and will also connect the station forecourt with Myslínova Street.
Fanta building is in full glory again and will open to public this weekend
This weekend, Správa železnic festively opens the reconstructed premises of the historic Fanta building at Prague Main Station. The Art Nouveau interiors have blossomed under the hands of builders and restorers and have regained their original splendour. Next year, regular guided tours for the wide public will begin to take place here. A café, for which Správa železnic looks for an operator now, will also open. The Grand halls will be used for cultural and social events.
Opinion poll: only 20 percent of the public supports the repair of the old railway bridge at Výtoň
Is it necessary to modernise the railway traffic, or should we take into account the heritage protection instead? Is it better to build a new bridge at Výtoň or to repair the old one? These and other opinions of the public were surveyed by Správa železnic in a representative opinion poll, which was attended by over 1,500 respondents from Prague and Central Bohemia. The results showed that only one fifth of the respondents prefer to repair the old bridge, while almost two thirds support the construction of a new bridge.
Not only Masaryk Railway Station, Smíchov and Královo Pole. Construction boom on Czech railway continues
The year 2024 will be marked by reconstruction of large stations on the Czech railway network. Správa železnic will have a budget of CZK 57.5 billion next year. In addition to the reconstruction of the Masaryk and Smíchov railway stations in the capital city, a complete modernisation of the railway station Brno-Královo Pole will also begin. However, construction will also begin in several other places across the country, with thirty new constructions starting. The design of high-speed lines will also proceed to the next stage of preparation; 100 km of new lines will be worked on.
Prague Main Station has its first filtered water vending machine. Správa železnic announces plan for further installations with startup Lokni
The first vending machine for quality filtered water in your own bottle was launched today at Prague Main Station. This is the first of twelve filtration stations that Správa železnic, together with the startup Lokni, will install at railway stations in the Czech Republic as part of the project Plastic-Free Railway. Instead of buying bottled water, you can get sparkling or still water from a trusted source. Thanks to the new tariff Nádraží (Station), every passenger can get half a litre of still water a day for free.