Press releases
Travelling by Train on the Line Hradec Králové – Trutnov Is Now Faster and Safer
Správa železniční dopravní cesty festively completed the revitalisation of the railway line Hradec Králové – Jaroměř – Trutnov. The biggest asset of the project is a safety increase, better travelling comfort and higher railway transport speed.
Digital GSM-R System Will Allow to Stop Trains Remotely As Well
Prague, 22 March 2017 – The companies TTC Marconi and Správa železniční dopravní cesty (SŽDC) successfully demonstrated a new function of the traffic control terminal and the GSM-R network: Stopping Trains Remotely, the so-called General STOP. A presentation for the press and specialists from the Czech Republic and abroad took place at Sadská railway station (near the city of Nymburk) today.
GSM-R System Implementation in the Czech Republic
Správa železniční dopravní cesty (SŽDC) equipped 482 km of lines with digital radio system GSM-R last year. In total, 1,660 kilometres of lines are already covered. During the following years, this system should be extended to the entire Trans-European transport network TEN and gradually also to other national and regional lines in the Czech Republic.
A Reconstruction of the Line from Beroun to Králův Dvůr Has Begun
Today, Správa železniční dopravní cesty officially launched the reconstruction of the line section from Beroun to Králův Dvůr which is a part of Railway Transit Corridor III. The benefit of the construction will be a complete modernization of the railway station Beroun as well as an increase of line speed and a modernization of safety equipment. The contractor is an association of companies led by EUROVIA CS.
Audit carried out by the Supreme Audit Office did not find any law infraction on the side of SŽDC while preparing and implementing GSM-R and ETCS projects
The course of action of Správa železniční dopravní cesty during preparation and construction implementation of the projects concerning ensuring interoperability of existing railway lines with focus on public tendering procedure was in accordance with the law and without any system deficiencies. Such was the conclusion of the Supreme Audit Office (SAO) after an audit which took more than half a year.
Management board meeting report
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Trains Will Run at a Speed up to 100 km/h from Ruzyně to the Airport
Správa železniční dopravní cesty has presented to the public a key part of a planned rail connection of the city of Prague with Václav Havel Airport Prague. The public presentation and discussion concerning the elaboration of project documentation of the project Modernization and a new construction of the line Praha-Veleslavín (including) – Prague-Václav Havel Airport (including) was held in the evening of 16 February, 2017 in the auditorium of the Faculty of Transportation of Czech Technical University in Prague.
Hundreds of Millions of Crowns Will Help Increase Safety at Level Crossings This Year
Also this year, Správa železniční dopravní cesty continues to increase safety at level crossings. In the years 2013-2016 it has modernized a total of 276 level crossings for 2.3 billion crowns. The railway infrastructure administrator intends to continue in this trend this year as well as it plans to spend a total of 1.4 billion to increase safety at level crossings.
An Exceptional Change in Rail Passenger Transport
Správa železniční dopravní cesty prepared by Monday, February 13 an exceptional change of timetable for rail passenger transport in 2017 on six lines. It happened in response to requests of carriers ČD and RegioJet.
Podbeskydské Lines Await Electrification
The Central Committee of the Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic approved The Feasibility Study Beskydy at the end of last year. An investment in the entire section